Let’s think the other way around!

Since the release of our latest song “FuckUp” we gained a lot of awareness about how you can think different about things that happened in your life. In this case I used something FuckUp to make a song. In the…
Since the release of our latest song “FuckUp” we gained a lot of awareness about how you can think different about things that happened in your life. In this case I used something FuckUp to make a song. In the…
We played a great show in Nijmegen at de Vierdaagse Feesten at LUX. 3voor12 Gelderland wrote an awesome review (dutch) with some real cool comparissons: “Met songtitels als ‘Cumbia Resistencia’ en ‘No Tengo Dinero’ zou je verwachten dat de heren…
We played a packed, sweaty, dark show at Anywave Festival in Zierikzee, and 3voor12 Zeeland wrote a very awesome review (dutch): quote ” De zeven mannen, met zwarte vegen en handafdrukken op hun gezicht maken met wonderlijk verenigbare sounds…
3voor12 Overijssel was bij onze show op Bevrijdignsfestival Overijssel en vond ons tot de beste acts van de dag behoren, en schreef er wat woorden over: “Als een koning stond het vernieuwde Knarsetand op het podium van het Danstheater,…
3voor12 Overijssel was at our Try-out shows and did a short photo and written review (Dutch). Quote: “De energie en het enthousiaste publiek liet het café op haar grondvesten trillen.” Read all about it